Where should I give birth?

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Many families feel overwhelmed when they discover they are pregnant. With more information at our fingertips, it can be difficult to determine the difference between a midwife, an OB, the birth center, a hospital birth, a home birth. Where should you deliver your baby? How will you find a provider that is a good fit?

You might choose your birthplace because it is close to home, or a care provider because of their location for frequent appointments during pregnancy. Alternatively, you may have several friends or colleagues who have used a particular practice and that is the only one you know of. Perhaps your primary care provider also catches babies, so they are a natural fit.

The research shows that the choice of birthplace and provider can be very impactful in what your birth experience is like, so it is a great idea to dedicate time to finding a great fit. You want a provider and a location that is the right fit for your preferences and circumstances.

This brief quiz will help you identify the type of location and provider may be best for you, but ultimately, you will know if it’s a fit as you meet and communicate with the practice. Pregnant parents switch providers at ALL points during the process, so if at any point things no longer feel good to you, you always have the right to seek another option.

In the quiz below, choose the responses that best match your perspective and discover what type of provider & birthplace you might like to explore.

Talk to your doula, childbirth educator, or primary care provider if you have questions!

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